Bar Clamps Build Process

Page 29


I'm firmly in the part of the project that I hate now. Painting and sanding: urgh.

I've done the first coat of "Claret Red" paint on the split nuts; I'll get the second (and hopefully final) coat done tomorrow evening.

While the paint was drying I got a bit of chipboard that I'd previously taped some sandpaper down to (I think it's 120 grit, but I can't remember for sure) and sanded the handles. While I was at it, I rounded off the pointed tips and added some chamfers onto the end edges to make it more comfortable in the hand.

This shows all the handles after sanding to whatever grit the sanding board has on it. I'm expecting there will be some scratch marks that become obvious when I put some oil on the handles, but since it's just a piece of workshop equipment, I'm not going to worry too much about making them super pretty. After sanding all the handles, I mixed up a bit of Araldite and filled in that crack; I'll sand that off again once it's had a chance to thoroughly cure.

There's not much more I can do at the moment (and apart from the second coat of paint there's not much I'll be able to do tomorrow either).

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