Dr Al's Woodworking Pages


I've wanted to get into woodwork for many years but simply haven't had the space. In early 2020, we made the decision to sell one of the two motorbikes that occupied half of my single garage. That gave me a very small amount of space (and some money) to think about woodworking. It still isn't really enough for a lot of woodworking projects, but it's better than nothing and it allows me to scratch that particular itch! I've been fortunate enough to inherit a number of old tools (including quite a few planes) from my grandfather and have bought some others to give me what I need to get going. I also have some tools that were bought for DIY jobs that can be used for woodworking. You can read a bit about the woodworking area of my workshop here.

Like metalworking, everything I've done in the way of woodwork has been self-taught, albeit with the help of a lot of books, forums and some excellent youtube videos from (in particular) Neil Paskin and Paul Sellers.

As with the metalworking projects described on this website, I've really enjoyed making my own woodworking tools and fixtures (as opposed to finished articles). You can read about the hand-tool related ones of these here and the power tool related ones here. There are also details of some benches, some completed furniture projects, some boxes and some projects for outdoors. Anything that doesn't fit into those categories is included on this page.

This website is free, but costs me money to run. If you'd like to support this site, please consider making a small donation or sending me a message to let me know what you liked or found useful.