Bar Clamps Build Process

Page 27


I had this bit of English Walnut that is mostly sapwood so I wasn't convinced I would get much use out of it. As I also had a lump of English Walnut that could plausibly be made into handles, I thought I'd use this piece to make the wooden jaw faces.

I used the table saw to cut a few 50 mm deep slits in the walnut. The thickness was chosen based on making sure I'd get enough jaws out of the block.

I then cut the slits off to make a set of strips. While they were in this state, I hand sanded them with 80 grit sandpaper to get rid of the worst of the saw marks.

Finally, I set up a stop on my cross-cut sled and chopped them all to length.

This photos shows the jaws ready to be attached.

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