Bar Clamps Build Process

Page 14


The next job was to finish the welding on all the frames. With everything tack-welded in place, this was a relatively quick process. Having said that, with twenty frames to tack, it still took almost two hours of pretty much constant welding (I didn't even lift my helmet visor once in that two hours!)

When Neil Paskin made his clamps, he drilled a series of holes in the sides of the frames so that he could plug-weld through the holes to join the side pieces to the inner pieces. When I made the prototype, I did the same thing, but having made it I decided that access through the top was good enough that I could make a good enough joint without having to bother drilling all those holes.

Once the frames had cooled down, I took advantage of the fact that the sun was shining and took the sliding jaws outside to grind off the excess box section with a 40 grit flap wheel in an angle grinder. I then gave the sides a quick once-over with an 80 grit flap wheel.

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