Chunky Planter Build Process

Page 9


The first job for this morning was to widen the slots slightly as I'd cut them under-size yesterday. I did this by clamping a bit of wood to the planks using it as a reference for a chisel:

The next job was to get on with the blind slots. I started by marking them out, using the router plane (which is still set for 1/4 width from previous days) for the depth and my combination square and marking gauge for the other sides:

I started by using my magnetic saw jig and ryoba to cut diagonally along the marked lines:

I then used the oscillating multi-tool to remove the bulk of the waste:

I set two of the stops on my router up so that I could use it to cut most of the rest of the waste away. I deliberately set one of the stops a fraction of a millimetre shallow so that I could finish up the (arguably more important) face with the router plane (which, as I said, is still set up from cutting the through slots).

Finally, I could finish the slots with the router plane and a chisel:

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