Chunky Planter Build Process

Page 10


I started the afternoon by making the curved pieces. The tops and bottoms of the ends have a curved profile. I started by making a template: roughing it out with the jigsaw and then refining the shape with a cordless-drill-mounted sanding drum.

I then marked the shape on each of the eight pieces and used the jigsaw to rough the shape out:

I could then use a template following bit in the router to match the template...

... and then removed the template and gradually plunged deeper to go most of the way through.

That left a millimetre or two still un-cut, but that'll get removed when I round the corners over.

I then re-used the template to make the foot, which sits in the middle of the long planter:

After cutting the curves out, I cut the bar to length with the tracksaw and then held it in my portable workbench to cut some notches in each end.

I then used a shoulder plane to tidy up the saw marks.

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