Chunky Planter Build Process

Page 11


The next job was to cut the grooves for the weld mesh to sit in. I've got this 8 mm shank spiral up-cut bit and that seemed ideal for the job:

I fitted the big fence (from my larger router) onto my small router to help give a consistent cut.

First up was the rebates, which are cut in two of the long lengths for the big planter...

... and two small lengths for the small planter:

Then I just had to cut the slots in the short pieces that form the ends and middle of the planters. I think I was getting tired at this point: my first attempt was in completely the wrong place:

I haven't got any spare wood, but I think there are plenty of places where this can be hidden on the inside of the planter! I'll probably cut a bit of wood and glue it in to protect it a bit from water ingress.

This is where it should have been:

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