Chunky Planter Build Process

Page 12


To sort out yesterday's mistake, I cut a bit off one of the spare pieces. I squared up the ends of the erroneous slot and then trimmed the insert to to size:

I could then glue it in...

... and once the glue had dried it could be planed to size:

The next plan was to work on the cross-pieces that will give a bit of extra support to the weld mesh. These need some cut-outs half-way along each side, at the level of the rebate/slot. I started with the markings on sides with the rebate. To make sure they lined up, I marked these up in pairs with the two rebates facing each other:

I could then mark the rest of the shape of the cut-out.

I think I'll cut these slots out with my oscillating multi-tool, but after all the routing yesterday, I didn't fancy another day of noise so I got on with some gardening chores instead. I think it'll be a couple of weeks before I get any more time on this project so for now I've just stacked all the pieces as out-of-the-way as possible.

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