Kumiko Box Build Process

Page 7


After a bit of playing around with the joint to try to improve the fit, I decided the only thing for it was to get on with getting it to the point it could be glued together.

First job was to plough the 4 mm grooves for the base. It always takes me ages to figure out a way to hold material for ploughing or rebating and this was no exception. This is what I came up with in the end:

Once I'd got the first one done, the others were quick and straightforward and with that, the sides are complete.

A week or so ago I used my bandsaw to resaw a American Black Walnut plank into three pieces and fed those pieces through the thicknesser, to make these three planks. Two are 4 mm thick and one is 2 mm thick:

I clamped one of the 4 mm pieces to my portable workbench and sawed a roughly square bit off (after trimming the snipey bit off the end):

I then used my beloved shooting board to square it up and bring it to the right size:

To clean up the marks from the thicknesser, I fitted a 3D printed stop into the dog holes in my bench (this one is only 2 mm thick, so it's quite handy for jobs like this) and used a Stanley #4 to skim the surface:

Then it was just a case of applying glue to the dovetails and mitres and clamping it together with no fewer than eight clamps!

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