Kumiko Box Build Process

Page 6


I didn't take many photos this morning as it was just a case of more of the same. However, a couple of hours of marking, sawing and chiselling and the box frame is together:

The joints were mostly good, not needing much fettling to get them to go together. Here's one of the ones I did this morning:

Unfortunately, I messed up the mitre a bit on one of them:

When I was sawing off the waste before chiselling, I went too close to the line and also sawed on the wonk and that meant there wasn't enough material left to pare it down to the line. It's not a huge gap and I may be able to close it up with glue and clamps and a bit of careful tweaking of the dovetail, but I decided it was time to come and have a hot drink and ponder for a bit before carrying on.

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