Kumiko Box Build Process

Page 11


To save a lot of work, I bought some 10 mm × 3 mm lime strips, which seem to be readily available as they're used for model boat building:

I used my simple bench hook thing with a stop to cut the lime strips into pieces:

That resulted in this lot (I later cut a LOT more of these!):

I took the strips in sets (by length) and used the shooting board to bring them all down to the same (and correct) length:

One of the strips gained two knife marks, one 10 mm from the end and one 21 mm from the end:

This strip was placed alongside all the others and held in the new jig and a small square was used to transfer the marks across all the pieces:

I then used the reference strip as a width guide to mark a second line across all the pieces:

With a spare bit of 5 mm thick beech I had lying around as a second depth stop, I could saw along the lines with a fine tooth pitch saw until the saw hit the rebate and the spare beech piece (for a consistent depth):

At this point, I trimmed (with a ryoba) the jig down to be a bit narrower. I could then use my 2 mm chisel to remove the sawn out pieces:

I then flipped the pieces over and reused the same reference piece to mark the location of the second pair of slots:

With that I was left with a pile of frame pieces...

... which go in the lid like this:

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