Kumiko Box Build Process

Page 12


The next job was to make a second jig. I started with a big lump of beech:

I used my big ryoba to cross-cut it...

... and also rip cut it:

I then used my Axminster #5 to plane the faces...

... and also the edges of one of the pieces:

The Stanley #45 then got another outing with my home-made 10 mm cutter to make a 10 mm wide and 3 mm deep groove:

I used this handy Clifton mitre marking thing to mark a 45° line on the face and a square line across the edge:

After sawing the waste off, I used the shooting board again to finish the mitred edge. This time I used my Stanley #5½ as it has a wider iron than the low-angle jack plane:

Once again, I kept tweaking and reshooting until the angle between the bottom of the ploughed groove and the shot mitre face was spot on:

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