Chunky Planter Build Process

Page 7


A slow but pleasant day today. I needed to sort out the bottom of the slots, which had a rough finish from the table saw. I could have done this very quickly with a router (I think that's what I did last time), but after a day of table-sawing yesterday, I fancied some peace and quiet. Rather than having ear defenders on all day, I put David Ford on the speakers and set the router plane to work.

Most of it was relatively straightforward, but there are a LOT of knots in this wood and they were quite hard work. I guess I could have just used the electric router for the knotty bits, but I just persevered with the router plane. Once I got into the routine of it, it was taking me about six minutes to do each piece (with four slots per piece), so it wasn't too bad.

I've still got to cut and then clean out the middle slot in the long lengths, but routing out the 52 slots by hand was enough for today.

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