Weighted Base Box Build Process

Page 17


The walnut lid looked better with some oil on it, but I still wasn't happy with it when I went out to look at it this morning, so I dug out a bit of maple, cut and shot it to size, planed it down in thickness and then smoothed the surfaces with a card scraper. I decided to approach the rebates in a different way for this one (mainly just as it's interesting to try different techniques). For the cross-grain rebates, I marked the locations out with a marking knife:

I then made a knife wall with a chisel and chopped the bulk of the material out with my dozuki:

I then finished the cross-grain rebates up with a chisel and used my #78 rebate plane to do the other rebates. It all then got a tidy up with my block plane (for the chamfers) and sandpaper on the rebate surfaces as on the walnut one. With that, it's ready for oiling:

Here it is next to the (oiled) walnut lid; I'll take some more photos once the first coat of oil has had time to dry.

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